The Wind Queen

But when Tengir returned to Child-of-Earth after having routed the bullheaded demons, Child-of-Earth was still not convinced of the power of Heaven, so I saw. Thus he said to Tengir: "I would be more convinced of Heaven's virtue were I given another demonstration. In recent times our Village has been set upon by a giant eagle, whose wings are ten fathom long each. That Eagle is a Wind Goddess who spirits away our people to feed to her babies as though we were worms. If the power of Heaven that you wield can conquer this foe, then I will be convinced once and for all." So Tengir set out to find the Eagle.

When he came to the nest of the Eagle, perched on top of a odious mountain, he found that it was incredibly big. When he entered he saw the Eagle's eggs, which were twice his height, and then saw the Eagle herself, sitting on the eggs, and her babies. She was at least twenty fathoms tall. When she spied his tiny figure, she opened her massive wings that were ten fathoms long each and cried shrilly: "What human dares enter my nest?" Tengir replied: "I am no ordinary human, but am the Knight of Heaven." And she: "Well, I am no ordinary eagle, but am the Wind Queen. I am a goddess of the westerly winds. What business do you have with me? Since you are clearly a eminent spirit, I will not pretend that you would make good food for my babies, as ordinary humans do, but do not test my patience." Tengir then said: "From today onward, you will no longer spirit away the people to feed to your babies." The Wind Queen cawed in anger, saying: "And, why not? I have every right to. Like worms, the humans are not strong enough to fight back. What is not strong enough to fight back is called free game." Tengir replied: "That may be true, but now I fight on their behalf, for Heaven has a destiny in mind for them. If you will not desist and find some other creatures to prey on, then I will kill you and your babies will starve."