The Fields of Purity

In the meanwhile Tengir wished to create a new shrine where the rites to honor the gods of Heaven and Earth might be more solemnly and elegantly carried out and the gods may be more happily glorified with a House to dwell at in the world. So he went to the north and cut up some land in a region called the Fields of Purity, creating two sacred fields. In these two fields he built with his own hands two Temples--one dedicated to Heaven and the other to Earth.

The Temple of Heaven he built on a wooden platform that was sixty fathoms high, which in turn stood upon a stone base that was ten fathoms by ten. A wooden staircase connected the floor to the top of the podium, where the main hall of the Temple towered over all the world. The roof was made of copper and supported by columns of fir logs, and its apex ornaments were done in the style of male divinities. A sacred icon of the King of the Sky, carved from a fir, was placed in the sanctuary, along with a tripod and a cup for pouring libations. The interior walls were lined with sacred letters and images executed most serenely. Images were made using pigments obtained from rare minerals and these caused the place to become a channel of divine energy. Finally two sacred pillars made from fir logs were set up at the bottom of the staircase. Tengir appointed himself as the Temple's priest. Daily he would perform the rites and sacraments to honor the God of Heaven, while reciting this prayer:

"O Heaven, insurmountable, incomprehensible:
You are the king of being, you are the master of all,
And all the World is you creation.
You are the fountainhead of virtue, the most just magistrate.
You are the artificer who crafts instruments of infinite articulation,
You are the smith who forges blades of infinite sharpness,
You are the cultivator who knows exactly when to water and when to prune;
Your hand is the most careful, your Eye the most sharp,
Your heart--whence arises your Word--the most profound.
And your Word is the most constant.
You are the purifier of all, whether by your rainstorms or by your bolts of lightning;
You are the illuminator of all, whether by your sun or by your moon;
You beget all, you increase all, but you also ruin all, you decrease all.
You are the knower of fitness;
You are lenient and merciful where due, but also strict and impartial.
Thus you were, thus you are, thus you shall always be.
On behalf of the World,
I pray that you bless this land with cosmic order and bless this people with the boons of overflowing vigor.
I pray that we be not beset by violent weather and disasters of land and sky.
I pray that you banish evil, sin and defilement from this land, That the people and the land may become beautiful.
I pray that you grant victory to my armies, which are your hand, whose empire is your empire.
And above all I pray that the light of your Eye not ever abscond from this World."

After he had finished putting up the Temple of Heaven, he got to work on the Temple of Earth. This Temple he built on a stone podium at the ground level, facing directly at the staircase leading to the Temple of Heaven. Once again using fir logs, he made columns to support a great thatched roof, which was then fitted out with ornamentations in the style of female divinities. Having made the structure, Divine-Stream-Princess went there and carved a sacred icon of the Earth Goddess out of a fir and placed it in the center of the sanctuary. And just as in the Temple of Heaven, the inside of the Temple of Earth was filled with paintings and sacred symbols to aid in one's worship and meditation upon the Spirit that was to reside there. And two sacred pillars were set up at the entrance, just like the other Temple. Divine-Stream-Princess became the priestess of the Temple and invited the Goddess to dwell there in the sanctuary. Daily she would performs solemn rites to honor the Goddess while reciting this prayer:

"O Earth, overabundant, infinitely deep:
You are the queen of life, you are the mistress of all,
And all the World is your child.
You are the fountainhead of love, the most nurturing mother.
You are the sea that cradles the ship of state, you are .
Your breast is the fullest, your hand the warmest,
Your womb--whence arises your Land--the richest.
And your Land is the most fertile.
You are the grower of all, whether by your soil or by your waters;
You are the receiver of all, whether in your body or in your soul;
You nurture all, and nothing lives but through you.
You are wisdom herself;
You make known what is good and what is evil,
But you also stabilize the inner and outer natures of all things.
You are the eternal and irreplaceable lover of your husband.
Thus you were, thus you are, thus you shall always be.
On behalf of the World,
I pray that you bless this land with bounty and bless this people with fecundity.
I pray that this land be untouched by disasters of earth and sea,
And this people unmolested by sickness and famine.
I pray that you keep the soil dark and the forests replete with game.
I pray that you protect all mothers in delivery, who are your midwifes, whose labors are your labor.
And above all I pray that your warm arms never cease to enwrap the World."